Muttropolis is partnering with Lululemon in La Jolla on Sunday, September 5th from 8-10am, to host a great dog yoga event! Muttropolis Facebook page says, "Join us in the grassy area of Scripps Park in La Jolla Cove on Sunday, September 5th at 8:15am for some
Doga Yoga hosted by Lululemon La Jolla and Muttropolis! Ingrid Yang will lead you in a FREE Doga Yoga class where we will stretch and massage our furry friends. Yoga and doggie massage offers your dog health benefits like aiding digestion, lowering blood pressure, easing anxiety and engendering a whole new level of calm in your pup. It also helps to socialize and soothe your dog, but most of all, it gives you time to bond and cuddle! Doga Yoga is not just scratching bellies and rubbing ears, it’s about connecting with your canine best friend. After Doga Yoga in the park, we'll head back to the Muttropolis Store where light refreshments, juice and water will be served. Pooches can enjoy off-leash playtime and socialization, and everyone will receive a 10% discount coupon for any purchases that morning, along with a complimentary goodie bag for your pooch! Mats will be provided, and all dogs attending must have basic obedience training."
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